Jun 2, 2011

Hi, welcome to the first entry of my blog. Took me long enough right?

To blog or not to blog? It’s a question that has been haunting me for the past couple of months. So why not just give it a shot? Eventually I will find out if it will suit me or not. Who knows? Anyhow I realized that it would be appropriate to give some short of quick introduction. Who am I? I am a 25 years old girl who lives in The Netherlands and studies law. I love spending quality time with my people and my dog, music, movies, food and traveling. My favorite city in the world must be New York City, but Paris stole my heart as well. Other than that I do have a weak spot for Italy. I spend my days reading magazines, books and fashion and beautyblogs. And if I am not you can find me in the city spending money or having great times with my girls. Being together with my loved ones is the best feeling in the world. Wanna know more? Follow my blog and find out!


  1. Jeeeej eindelijk! Welcome back =D Ik ben je 1e volger!


  2. thanks for your comments! you are so nice :)
